"Come thou Fount of every blessing, tune my heart to sing thy grace..." such beautiful words.
This series of 8x10" warm grayscale drawings displays the lyrics to the first three verses of the eighteenth century hymn, "Come Thou Fount." Kelly, the purchaser of these drawings shared that her reason for choosing this hymn is that it is a deep reminder of her faith in Christ. She plans to hang them above her bed, and said these words are a reminder to rest,
I love how [this hymn] shares the Gospel is three simple verses. I need to be reminded of the Gospel everyday as I my heart is so easily prone to despair when I mess up and to become puffed up with pride when I try to "fix" things... by planning better, being more organized, being nicer, etc. I have been justified because of Jesus and I can move on when I mess up and I can have hope that He is working in my heart to make me more like Him. And having the Gospel written out so beautifully above our bed, our place of rest, will be a good reminder for our family to rest in the competed work of Jesus on the cross.
I love the imagery in the hymn, and didn't want to distract too much from the words with the design. Below are close-ups of each individual drawing. I pray it is indeed a blessing for Kelly.