This past week was a crazy one! But oh, so much fun :) I decided to release a new print each day of the week to really push myself and see how much I could create in one week. This would also give me the opportunity to make my art more accessible, as a $35 print is a lot more affordable than a custom portrait. However, I think I made my first rookie mistake :) I committed to this project, before I had any of them started, or even any idea of what each day's print would be; on top of that, I worked at my other job all five days of the week--which meant squeezing in hour-long-projects everyday was quite the stretch :) Needless to say, I was drawing late into the night!
By Thursday I was still drawing around 10:30pm when suddenly the power went out in the entire north part of Salt Lake City--which meant no lights except candlelight. I laughed, knowing that as much as I could challenge myself and lose sleep, I couldn't control the lights. No lights, no details. I did draw a little longer, and I must say, it was so restful sitting by candlelight. That particular day I was doing a landscape, inspired by 17th century dutch landscape painters, so I felt that if ever I was to get in tough with artistic roots, that was the time! Thus, while not all my prints got 100% completed, I'm happy to say I released one print a day, as promised (even if it didn't get released until 11pm ;)).
I would love your feedback and also your ideas for more prints!! I'm hoping to do print releases on a fairly regular basis, so send your ideas my way. What images inspire you? I'm a total girl in that I love flowers and birds and beautiful gadgets. But there's a whole wide world out there and I need some more subjects ;)
I will have the finished product of all of these prints soon! All of these will be listed on my Etsy shop as soon as they are completed, so let me know if one of these images has your name on it. I'd love to mail one to ya! This was fun fun fun...