This bird is called a rock ptarmigan. It is truly amazing. It is one of three ptarmigans, the rock, the willow, and the white-tailed. In summer its feathers are brown, grey, and speckled, but in the winter it looks like this: Completely snow white. It is incredible how drastically these birds change over the course of all four seasons. In the spring they are half white, and half speckled! Their feet also adapt for the seasons, in the winter they have thick, boot-like or snow-shoe-like feathers insulating them and allowing them to walk effectively on the snow. They are mostly found in the arctic. I'm so in love.
Turkish Patterns Are Oh So Fun!
I have an upcoming project with some turkish patterns, so I thought I'd experiment a little :) This was a whole lot of fun, and a lot different than what I've been working on recently.
It's like drawing a coloring book and then coloring it :) Blues and reds and greens seem to be characteristic of turkish design. One of the funnest parts about these patterns however, is stitching them together. It's kind of addicting :) Coming up in the next few weeks I will be doing a collage with these, so stay tuned :)
Engagement Portrait, Aren't They Beautiful?!
Sometimes there are just no words for sweet images like these. I've been revisiting this Bob Dylan classic, which seems fitting for this kind of image.
When the rain is blowing in your face
And the whole world is on your case
I could offer you a warm embrace
To make you feel my love...
This beautiful couple just got married, and this portrait was a wedding gift. I absolutely loved this image and getting to work on this portrait was so much fun. Some photos just have so much emotion and love wrapped into them, and this one definitely had that kind of depth. The original photo for this portrait was taken by Katie Nicolle Photography, she is incredible and you can view her portfolio on her website: