My New Site Is Live!

Hey folks, welcome to my new website! I’m so thrilled to launch it this weekend, and hope you enjoy your visit.  This entire site is the result of the creativity, logistical capability, and down-right brilliant vision of Michael Holloway.  He is also a composer; listen to his music here.

Coming up, I have a quite a few drawings on deck getting ready to go up on my site as soon as they have been given as Christmas presents.  Also, soon I’m going to be posting about a children’s book I illustrated.  

Subscribe to my newsletter for updates on projects, prints, and originals for sale.

For today, I want to tell you a little about this one…


Prints available, contact me to inquire about purchasing


My husband Alex and I just recently relocated from the incredible city of Chicago, to Salt Lake City Utah.  I have to admit that Chicago still has my heart, as 7 years of friendships and growth started there.  It’s been an interesting season, as we moved to a city where we knew a total of two adults and three children.   It’s culture shock to move from the Second City, to a state that boasts as big of a population as the city limits of our previous home.  

But this picture is a constant reminder to me of something.  The week we arrived, the beauty continually surprised us.  All around us were daunting mountains with sharp peaks, fragrant pine trees, and a panoramic sky.  But the thing that hit me the most was in all of this beauty, the closer I got, the MORE beautiful it became.  At the top of a mountain pass, Alex and I were walking to a lake in the woods, and everywhere, as far as I could see were these abundant, colorful, lively little wildflowers.  I couldn’t believe the beauty in all the details.  I tried to snap a handful of photos from my phone, but nothing could quite capture the scope and life in front of me.  

With that sense of awe I set out to draw this picture.  It reminds me to keep my eyes and heart open to even the smallest ways in which God chooses to love us.  

“There is something gratuitous about creation, an unnecessary abundance of beauty, and through its blossoms and pleasures we can revel in the sheer largesse of the Father.” –Michael Reeves

Here's what I'm listening to today –

This is my husband's band. They are from Chicago. Listen and be amazed. AW YEE!!!