One Pan Wonder Bowl

Whenever we have a busy week, this is my go-to dinner. It’s filling, full of nutrition, and completely easy to make. Prep time is like not even 2 minutes. Bake time is 20. Some weeks I’ll eat it every single weeknight, changing up this or that to make it interesting. Whenever I have this easy easy meal, I think to myself how much more delicious it is than the takeout that would honestly take longer to pickup than this does to make. It’s honestly more of a method than a recipe.

The key to this one: all the flavorful toppings. These things last in the fridge for weeks so I can toss them on whenever I need a quick meal. My personal faves are pink pickled onions, scallions, mayo, sliced avocado, gouchujang, sesame seeds, pickled ginger. It’s sometimes sort of a sushi bowl but mostly just a one-pan-wonder. I usually use salmon, but here and there I’ll use marinated chicken thighs, and if I’m really low on groceries, honestly a couple of eggs does the trick!

Whenever I make this easy easy meal, I think to myself how much more delicious it is than the takeout that would honestly take longer to pickup than this does to make.

More of a Method Than a Recipe:

The Method.

[The Method if you’re a Mom]

Pink pickled onions top it all off

This tangy rice is so crave-able! I use the rice cooker and it’s a snap.

All kinds of variations: